Supporting pubs and beers area of north Hampshire and the Test valley

Handpump Hijack

While supporting ALL good beer there are many people who especially enjoy a good pint of traditional beer served from a handpump that has been conditioned in the cask in the pub's cellar.

But a twist in dispense methods had appeared. There is a new kid on the block that may mislead.

Unfortunately some 'brewery conditioned' beer is being served through handpumps that may mislead some customers. Unlike cask ale, where the beer continues to brew in the cask due to the presence of yeast, brewery conditioned fresh ale has the yeast removed. The conditioning is finalised in the brewery in the same way as keg beer.

Currently Wainwright Gold, Wainwright Amber and Hobgoblin IPA are sold in this way and the only way to tell them apart from traditionally conditioned cask ales is a small sign on the bottom of the pump clip.

So, if in doubt ask "is it cask?"