Supporting pubs and beers area of north Hampshire and the Test valley

The Kings Arms – and an ACV application

Whitchurch in Hampshire has a long history of supporting its public houses going back many centuries.

There is a famous quote:

Over one hundred years ago the Star newspaper reported:
“Whitchurch is in Hampshire. People who live in it call it a town. People who live out of it call it a village. It is about as big as a good-sized pocket handkerchief. It has three shops and 19 public houses.”
Although it has since grown considerably and is in line for much greater expansion, it has already lost the vast majority of those pubs and after recent closures only four now remain.

Request for registration
The next step in adding some 'protection' to one of the existing public houses moved forward after a request from local residents that the local Town Council submit a nomination to have The Kings Arms legally registered as an Asset of Community Value (ACV).

Local residents did the work and paid costs!
The residents including members of the Campaign for Real Ale and the Campaign for Pubs supplied all the background information and legal documentation as completed the forms so all the Council had to do was to post off the paperwork.
No help with costs
Payments for the legally required plans and title details also came directly from local residents although it had been hoped the Town Council would have helped as the fees are relatively modest. They didn't; that was very disappointing, particularly as they had spent £250 on getting a certificate to say what good service they provide.

  • is a material planning consideration, which gives the Council additional reasons to reject any proposal involving loss of the pub;
  • gives the community the opportunity to bid for the property if it is sold or leased for 25 years or more;
  • gives Councils powers of compulsory purchase if the community use of the asset is in danger of being lost.
It can be a long process – but needn't be
Whitchurch Town Council had first been approached about a nomination back in June 2023. However it was not until November that the Councillors agreed to forward the details to Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council (BDBC) who are responsible for designating ACVs.

That's a long time but it does raise the question as to whether changes to the national process are required.

Parish/Town Councils should be best placed to make nominations rather than individuals or voluntary groups as they already have wider community status as 'elected' bodies. Many have shown this to be true. However if other Councils took the time Whitchurch did it could mean pubs being unnecessarily lost.
Shortfalls taken to government
This latter point is currently being made to government resulting from concerns over planning at local level and has now been discussed in Parliament. 
Perhaps ALL pubs that have a recognised 'heritage value' should automatically have an ACV registration giving a community group the Right to Bid should Changes of Use be submitted or sale details be announced.

But for the Kings Arms, the eventual submission of a nomination is at least a step forward in the right direction and those Councillors who do understand the value of the public house to a community are to be thanked.

We now wait on the Borough Council and it is hoped they will approve the registration. 

Update (late December 2023)
The Campaign for Real Ale Pubs Protection Officer has spoken at length with Basingstoke & Deane and it is hoped the result will be available later in January. 
It was a very positive discussion.

There is an excellent summary of ACVs here:

*As part of the requests residents also asked that an ACV be registered for Testbourne Swimming Pool. That too is proceeding.