Supporting pubs and beers area of north Hampshire and the Test valley


A much loved and very popular pub may soon be sold. 

In 2020 the Fox Inn at North Waltham was listed as an Asset of Community Value which means it has to be made available to community groups to make bids.
Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council who maintain the Register have now stated:

"The council has received notification of the owner's intention to sell The Fox Inn, Popham Lane, North Waltham, RG25 2BE. Any community interest group wishing to be treated as a potential bidder has until 20 July 2023 to confirm this in writing, to the council postal address or via:

The Fox Inn, a traditional style 'destination pub' set in the beautiful countryside near North Waltham, has won a number of awards and serves an excellent selection of beers (including LocAle), runs a fine restaurant and has a extensive outdoor areas. 

It has become famous for its displays of hanging baskets and flowering borders, perfect for a summer's day gentle relaxation over a pint in the sunshine.

Let us hope that it remains as a pub for all to enjoy.

UPDATE: It is believed that there are new owners which is excellent news