An eyesore was predicted
This was predicted when the owner had previously promised to invest monies in the pub business from the building of housing on the car park evaporated into thin air.
Many feel they were hoodwinked as the owner subsequently applied for conversion of the pub to residential use.
While planners and Councillors objected from both Basingstoke & Deane Borough Council and Whitchurch Town Council along with many local residents to the loss of the public house, the applicant lodged an Appeal against their decision to refuse change of use.
The building is now becoming derelict
To date no work has yet been undertaken and the historic building continues to rot away to the town's dismay. However there is much in the Inspector's Report that refers to the importance of the historical value of the building and to its position within the Conservation Area and the Whitchurch street scene.
The Report states:
"The overall form and main façade of the appeal building is a key building within the CA (Conservation Area), and contributes to the character and appearance of the CA."
There are also strong references that the proposed works would "secure the building's repair and renovation" and that the new use would "constitute a significant public benefit".
Effect on nearby properties – and rats
And while the owner was wishing to make more monies the effect has probably had a negative effect of the values of nearby properties. There have even been reports of rats seen in the vicinity which cannot be good for health or value.
So when will those works commence?
Duty of Councils
Whilst the pub's use may be lost through the granting of the Appeal our Councils still have a duty towards the historic building. Local planning authorities have powers they can use, including compulsory purchase to remedy deliberate neglect or damage. Will they use them?
As the applicant has not commenced any work and the site is now virtually derelict, the question to our Councillors must now be how will retention of the historic building be accomplished?
What actions will be taken on the lack of progress and to prevent more of the structure falling into the street below and the town's character and heritage further lost?
Details of what can be actioned are here:
What action will now be taken?