Supporting pubs and beers area of north Hampshire and the Test valley

The Kings Arms is officially valued by its community.

Good news is that the Kings Arms in Whitchurch has been approved by Basingstoke & Deane Borough Council for registration as an Asset of Community Value.

The nomination, put forward by local residents, recognises the importance of this wonderful pub to the local community. It adds a degree of protection should the pub ever become at risk in the future, although under its present excellent publicans that is more than unlikely.

Since Stephen and Lucy took on the 16th century historic pub three months ago they have enhanced the true community spirit within the pub with their friendly and inclusive style of hospitality making it a must-to-visit public house in Whitchurch. With their newly-born daughter Poppy and a tremendous staff they have created an inclusive and welcoming pub that deserves to succeed.

If you haven't visited – it is highly recommended.
You will come away with a Big Smile.


New Bar and Microbrewery for Overton?

The rural village of Overton in Hampshire could see a brewery open as part of the plans for a new bar.

Plans have been submitted to Basingstoke & Deane Borough Council for a Change of Use to create a new bar with a micro-brewery and kitchen at No.7 High Street, a former hair and beauty salon (Hobbs).

The premises consists of a two-storey building that is believed to date from the 15th/16th centuries but has undergone significant changes although much of the timber framing remains. It is registered as a Listed Grade II building.
On one side is Mariners, a fish and chip shop, while on the other is a private home.

The brief from the owners to the architect was to create:

"A Microbrewery & Kitchen, marketed towards young professionals in the local and surrounding area"  and

"To be able to host beer festivals (including Oktoberfest), comedy nights, music performances, book clubs, quizzes etc."

Plans for the main building

The ground floor of the main building will contain comfortable seating including sofas and stools, along with the bar with 2 – 5 steel serving tanks, 5 – 7 taps, an area for preparing cocktails and space for fridge, dishwasher and sink.
Upstairs is an area that can be "booked for private dining/ more intimate setting with mixture of sofas, bar stools..."
Two unisex WCs will also be upstairs and the brief includes a request to the architect "To include area for makeup/hair etc."

At the rear a outdoor seating and a kitchen/brewery building
To the rear there is a long narrow stretch of land where the plans are to place an open seating area, a timber covered pathway, and a separate building at the 'bottom' housing the micro-brewery and kitchen with a pizza oven and potential for a 'shop window' for serving use.
The micro-brewery will be visible from the 'garden' area and will have facilities for tastings for up to four people.

Comments should be sent to Basingstoke & Deane Borough Council.
The application is No. 23/03104/FUL
There is also an application for Listed Building Consent, No.23/03105/LBC

Beer Festival in Andover

A beer festival featuring a wide range of traditional cask beers, flavoursome keg beers and a selection of real ciders is to be held over three days in March.

Click to enlarge
A joint initiative
The Andover Tap at the Lamb is hosting this special joint venture with the North Hampshire Branch of the Campaign for Real Ale over the weekend of Friday 8th March to Sunday 10th March. 

A leading beer venue
The 'Tap', in Winchester Street, is the town's leading venue for beers from local and regional independent breweries and always has a range of styles from traditional bitters, IPAs and craft lagers through to stouts, porters, and even sour ales. 

Beers are served from cask, keg or in cans and bottles. In addition there is a range of various ciders with differing tastes from traditional hazy styles to fruity varieties.

The Campaign for Real Ale
CAMRA is one of the most successful consumer organisations, dating back to 1971 and has Branches throughout the country.
This Festival will see members of the North Hampshire Branch providing an increased selection of traditional beers which will be served direct from the cask, ie by gravity, supplementing the Tap's range, making this an event not to miss.
Around eight beers will be served this way with others on handpump and craft keg fonts.

A full range
There is also a full bar available including top quality gins from the neighbouring on-site distillery of Wessex Spirit's Gin Palace as well as some food to supplement the drinks.

The doors open at 11.00am on both Friday and Saturday and the event runs to 10.30pm each day, while on Sunday it opens at noon and continues through to around 6.00pm, although the beers on gravity dispense may finish before or around mid-afternoon.

This will be a weekend to savour all those wonderful tastes and enjoy the hospitality and friendship of this community pub.

Entry is FREE – just turn up. ðŸ˜„